As the last holiday of the year before the New Year celebrations, and since it is a time for family gatherings, for better or for worse, Christmas becomes a time of reflection. In no television episode is this presented more clearly than today’s subject, The Sopranos “…To Save Us all From Satan’s Power.”

Family is big for Tony Soprano, in their multiple forms, so it makes sense that Christmas is a time when Tony is particularly sensitive to family issues.  “…To Save Us all From Satan’s Power” airs one year after Tony is forced to take out his good friend, Big Pussy.  Flashbacks help build the guilt Tony is carrying, which is confirmed by his asking Paulie Walnuts if he feels any guilt over killing Pussy after learning he was an FBI informant.  The flashbacks also provide Tony with important information about Pussy’s “mole” activities, including his wearing a wire at the previous Christmas party at which he put on a Santa suit for his annual playing of Santa.  One of the brilliant qualities of The Sopranos is its ability to make us feel bad for its brutal, criminal lead character, and this is one of those times. 

There is nothing he can do about Pussy, but Tony makes up for it by trying to “save” his own family members.  He gifts his sister Janice with the beating up of the Russian who injured her in an earlier episode.  He beats up Jackie Aprile, Jr., Tony’s daughter’s current love interest and son of his dead best friend, when he sees Jackie getting a lap dance at a strip club.  His loyalty and adherence to his own admittedly immoral code of honor make Tony even more endearing, in a very uncomfortable way.

One of the highlights of this episode is Bobby Bacala taking over Big Pussy’s role as Santa for the Satriale’s Christmas Party.  Bobby has the size to pull off Santa, but not the personality.  His painful shyness in the role prompts Silvio to suggest that they send him to Santa school before the next holiday.  Another highlight, and perhaps the truly “highest” moment in “…To Save Us all From Satan’s Power” is the gift Tony receives from his daughter, Meadow – a Big Mouth Talking Bass.  Viewers will remember that one of Tony’s clues about Pussy’s disloyalty came through a fever dream when Pussy appears to Tony as a talking fish.  And Pussy is now “sleeping with the fishes.”  Meadow doesn’t know any of this, of course, which gives the moment much irony.  The true implication of the gift is only apparent to Tony and the viewing audience, making it one sizable and painful inside “joke.” 

“…To Save Us all From Satan’s Power” embodies all the reflection and family centric qualities of a Christmas episode – but it did not air during the holidays. It first aired in April, 2001.  Perhaps this was best since it so wonderfully captures the complex emotions of Christmas, many of which make celebrating difficult.  So while I count it as one of my top 25 Christmas television episodes, you might want to wait until after the holidays to watch or re-watch it. 

5/31/2012 01:24:13 am

good post

9/24/2012 02:22:13 am

Great info, thx


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